Sunday, August 2, 2009

Yummy fruits a fun little trip and lots of raw food

Good afternoon!

So I went up to Whistler this past weekend for an unexpected little trip and usually these trips leave me feeling famished because I don't prepare for not being able to find gluten free places. What was amazing about this weekend: I didn't have to look for GF places because I was basically eating fruit!! So good:)

So Friday I had a few potato chips in the evening but all in all my day went like this:

breakfast: peanut butter and banana (this is now my staple food!)
snack: blueberries, blackberries and raspberries
lunch: salad with a veggie burger(now this is not raw, but i had one left in my fridge that had to be eaten)
snack: cucumber, peppers and broccoli
snack: raspberry freezer pop thing made with fruits
dinner: potato chips, 1 plum and carrots

Saturday went a little something like this:
breakfast: staple as usual
snack: banana and cherries
lunch; salad with tuna (seared tuna is also not raw, but remember... slow transition)
snack: cherries
dinner: i cooked a GF crust with salsa and cheese.... this was my biggest mistake all day. I figured I was hungry and needed to use the rest of the cheese in my fridge, but man did this ever make my stomach feel weird afterwards I just drank lots of water and felt so sleepy so I went to bed really early.

Anyway enough about my food, i am of to a great start today, and just ate at a raw food restaurant! Thai wraps were amazing, the place is called : Gorilla Food!!!! check it out if you are ever in Vancouver.

I hope all if you will at least try one day on a raw food diet so that you can see the small difference this diet can make! Off to make some cleansing juice and do some school work. Please keep posting your comments, they are always appreciated!

Food for thought: Next time you think your hungry, wait a few minutes and ask yourself if you are truly famished or if its just your brain looking for something stimulating. This has been my toughest challenge yet!

Lots of love and luck with your GF diets!


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