Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Quinoa, my new best friend!


So these posts are going to turn into a weekly thing until I decide that maybe I need to be posting more frequent information. Today I want to talk about quinoa and, a little off topic, exercise.

As someone who is very active and healthyI found it hard to transition to my GF diet. I kept wondering how processed white flour could really be that much better for me. In fact, I gained a bunch of weight after going on a GF diet because my body was starting to absorb food now, and I was eating soooo many refined carbs (in short, those are the bad ones). White rice flour has no/very little fiber, and really doesn't do much good to our bodies, in fact it is the equivalent to eating white bread, in a certain sense!

This problem began by my obsession with finding foods that were gluten free and good for me ex: full of fiber and rich nutrients! QUINOA!!!! Now there are many grains out there now that are gluten free and good for the body, but I find quinoa to be the most versatile. I can eat it for breakfast, and in a salad for lunch and as a replacement for rice at dinner (usually don't do this cause that would be way too much quinoa in one day!)

Quinoa is an ancient grain from South America, it is full of protein and fiber (for about 1/4 of a cup 4g of fiber and 6g of protein). It has a nutty flavour and can be bought as a grain, flakes or puffed (cereal). The grain is the most versatile but the flakes are great to add to baking or make a quick breakfast (just add hot water, mix and go!).

Here is a quick and easy salad recipe, which happens to also be vegan/vegetarian! I am not adding any real measurements because it is very free flowing and I suggest you experiment with how you like the taste!

Yummy quinoa salad

2 cups Quinoa
1 mango, chopped
1 cup, chopped asparagus
1 red and yellow pepper, chopped


flax or hemp oil
apple cider vinegar
red pepper flakes (optional to add some spice)

Mix and enjoy! This is great added to some grilled tofu or meat of your choice. Its also very helpful to taste the dressing as you go to make sure you like how it tastes and then tweak it to your liking!

I also like to eat quinoa by cooking up a batch, adding some soy milk or almond milk, with a few chopped nuts and brown sugar (or maple syrup). YUM!!!!

As always, I would love your feedback so send it my way!

Have a great day experimenting with quinoa, it too may become your new BFF!

Ally :)

1 comment:

  1. I have been on a gluten-free diet my whole life due to Celiac Disease. I have only "discovered" quinoa in the past six months. It really is a great addition to any diet, whether or not you are gluten-free. Thanks for your recipe. I will have to try it out!

